

"Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth".  1 Tim 2:4                                                                                                      Are you saved?                                                                                                      If you are not sure or never have, "... behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of SALVATION".  2 Cor 6:2                                                                                                     CLICK this banner to find out HOW to get SAVED!



  Topical Research


New Age




There are basically five reasons why I am not a "New Age Global Citizen." Anyone of these five reasons would be enough to excuse me from joining the mongrel mass of monkey men who are now pressing into the Great Tribulation (Matt. 24; Luke 17; Mark 13; Joel 2; Isa. 26; Rev. 6, 12; etc.).

Once upon a time a "moderate" drinker asked a "teetotaler" why he was against the public sale of liquor, anywhere. He said, "I have five reasons." When asked to name them, he said, "Two boys and three girls."

It was a Faggoty-Frisco-Fairy Fruit, from Athen's intellectual Disneyworld, who first said that he was not a citizen of Athens-so he could practise Sodomy there without being arrested but a "citizen of the world." Many years later, after this sex pervert committed suicide (while sacrificing a rooster to a snake god), another great teacher of men said, "I am not of the world" (John 17:16). He also said that His kingdom was "not of this world" (John 18:36) and His follow­ers were "not of this world" (John 17: 16). His "beloved disciple" (John 21 :20) said that every­thing in the world system was either the "lust of the eyes" or "the lust of the flesh" or "the pride of life" (1 John 2: 16).

The only New Testament Christian (named) who "loved" the world (2 Tim. 4:10) defected from these commandments, after being told to "set his affections on things above and not on things on this earth." That backslidden defector could well represent more than 500,000,000 professing Chris­tians, today, who live on a planet, whose future is to be BURNED TO A CINDER (2 Pet. 3; Isa. 65).

The Laodicean church period of Christianity (1900-1990) is characterized by worldly, earthly, materialistic, secular humanism, in all branches of its "outreach." Nothing is more carnal and worldly than a Charismatic "revival" unless it is a Pope trying to "make time" with geopolitics in the UN. The Charismatic completely covers up his extrava­gant, fleshy sideshows with TALK about the Holy Ghost, and the "anointing of the Spirit," and being "slain in the Spirit"; but anyone who has studied the movement since 1901 (Azusa Street and To­peka, Kansas) knows that it is about as "spiritual" as Ted Kennedy praying for Madonna.

This condemned world is the HOME of every lost sinner alive: it is the only home he has, or ever will have, here, as long as he is "alone in the world," having no "hope" and "without God" (Eph. 2: 12), since he is "dead in trespasses and sin" and is as spiritually blind (2 Cor. 4:4) as Mother Teresa, Slick Willie, Hillary Clinton, JFK, FDR, Adolph Hitler, Pope John Paul II, Jeannie Paul Getty, Jack the Ripper, Allen Dulles, Gerry Adams, the Son of Sam, "Lady" Di, Charles Man­son, or Nelson Mandela.

No highly publicized major leader in art, mu­sic, politics, education, religion, or economics would ever be caught "dead" singing "This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue ... I can't feel at home in this world anymore." More than 4,000,000 Christians have sung that hymn in the last sixty years. Not one of them was a "world citizen," or ever aspired to be.

That hymn has never been sung in one Roman Catholic church or one Greek Orthodox church or one Buddhist temple, or one Hindu temple or one Mosque, or one "Promise Keepers" demonstration on this earth: not in 1700 years.

"Man's home" is this world. In the Bible, it is typified as "Egypt."

Thus, any Christian who confesses that this world is his "home" is actually confessing that he is an unsaved sinner on his way to Hell. A Chris­tian is a sojourner, and a stranger, and a pilgrim (see p. 000): he is one of the world's "homeless," to use the news media doublespeak way of putting it.

Having accepted the God of the Bible as his International, Peace keeping, Secretary, Chairman, General, absolute Military Dictator, and Sovereign, the Bible-believing Christian becomes an ambas­sador (2 Cor. 5:20), representing a foreign country (Prov. 25:25). Any unsaved man on this earth must, by force of reality (whether he "owns up to it" or not), must choose a substitute for that God. You either have the "God of the Hebrews" (Exod. 5:3) as your Overlord and Master, or you have "Pharaoh" (Exod. 5:6). "Pharaoh" is identified as a type of Satan (Ezek. 29:3). Compare that passage with Revelation 12:3,9 and Isaiah 27:1-2!

Once you choose ANY "god" beside the God of reality and truth and history-the One who gave... 

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