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WHY I AM NOT A CALVINIST by Peter S. Ruckman


I am not a Calvinist: I would be ashamed of myself if I was.

There are enough Biblical illiterate dumbbells in Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries in this century without a teacher in a Bible Insti­tute joining the crew.

Calvin believed in sprinkling babies: I don't. Calvin believed in Limited Atonement: I don't. Calvin idolized Augustine: I wouldn't have bothered to give the jerk the time of day.

Calvin denied the literal Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ: I don't.

Calvin used John 3:5 and Acts 2:38 to prove Baptismal Regeneration: I think that proves he was either unsaved or else 80 percent Roman Catholic.

Calvin denied that all sinners have the capac­ity to repent and believe on Jesus Christ: I dis­agree-strongly.

Calvin taught that God purposely damned sin­ners before they were born, and "elected" them to Hell by making certain that not one drop of blood in Christ's atonement was shed for them. He taught they were predestinated before Genesis chapter 1 to wind up in Hell. I think Johnny had rocks for brains.

Calvin would kill you (literally) if you dis­agreed with the way in which he WORDED his explanation of the Trinity. I think he was a para­noid psycho.

Calvin taught that conversion begins with the New Birth without any repenting or any believing on the part of the convert: repentance and belief occur AFTER the sinner is saved. I think Johnny was a fit candidate for a rubber room.

I repeat: "I am not a Calvinist."

I believe in the Eternal Security of the be­liever because Paul taught it (Rom. 8), not be­cause Calvin went around shooting off his mouth about Sovereign Grace and Eternal Election.

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